Ah, the 2010s — the decade that we had our awkward braces years and the decade that’s coming to a close. We’ve traded the kickball diamond and long division for college campuses and trig proofs.
We all get a bit caught up in anticipation of what’s coming and what to prepare for, but it’s important to take a minute to soak in what’s already happened. That’s why I’m here to bring you back to “the good old days” through ten staple childhood memories:
By Riley Atkinson
Razor Scooter
Just thinking about Razor scooters makes me shiver a little — the clash of my ankle bone to the metal trim of the scooter platform would send pulses up my whole leg. But I can’t imagine playdates after school in third grade without my hot pink ride. Rolling through Porter Park and racing my friends was for sure one of the highlights of the decade.
“I would like press the brakes and sparks would shoot out of it and I remember that was like the coolest thing ever to me. I also remember and of course I feel like everyone has experienced this: the pain of the razor scooter when you lift it up and it hits your ankle so many great memories but also many bruises from razor scooters.”
Sophomore Sydney Beck
Silly Bands
Silly Bands got banned from my elementary school playground (no, seriously) just a few weeks after they became a trend. But before that tragic event, I vividly remember dragging my mom to Target so I could get the Spongebob-themed set — I had to have some good trading material for recess the next day. My collection of glow-in-the-dark silly bands literally went up to my elbow. Good mems.
Webkinz were always on my Christmas and birthday lists, and I made frequent trips to Tiffany Town to spend my weekly allowance. I was always so excited to enter in the code for my new furry white puppy and decorate my house with the new winter wonderland theme.
Orange Push-Pops
My staple for a summer post-swimming dessert was always an orange push-pop from the pool snack bar. The bright orange treat would melt down onto my paisley patterned one-piece, but I’d always look forward to it anyways.
“I loved those. I feel like those were like way too sticky though. I love the way that they taste and it was really fun to eat them, but I just remember my hands being like super sticky.”
Freshman Hadley Chapman
There was a certain smell when I walked into Blockbuster that reminded me of picking out Despicable Me or Megamind for family movie night (but let’s be real, that smell was probably from the mildewy blue carpet). Whatever the reason, Blockbuster will always be a huge part of my childhood.
Rainbow Loom
I had to buy three white pull-out drawers to organize all of my loom bands. I was a fanatic — and it wasn’t long before tutorials on double-fishtail bracelets filled my YouTube suggested feed.
“I remember I was not very good at them and I was always really jealous of the kids that could make like the really intricate ones or the ones that were animal shaped. I could never do that. But I still have like a ton of them because you buy all of them and then you don’t have anything to do with them.”
Sophomore Sydney Beck
Capri Suns
Capri Suns were the epitome of elementary school lunch boxes. For a non-soda-drinker like me, the fruit punch flavor was always stocked in our fridge, and I probably went through hundreds of packs over the years. Mom, will you make a trip to Hen House for me this week?
Pump It Up
If you never went to Pump It Up as a kid, I’m terribly sorry. The (what seemed like) enormous blow up inflatables all piled into a room full of children running around was the ideal location for birthday parties. That inflatable throne the birthday kid got to sit on always stirred up some jealousy.
And props to my parents — they really knew how to wear us out. We were always dripping in sweat from the workout and probably took some good naps after an hour of sliding and jumping.
Polly Pockets
Polly Pockets weren’t always super popular among my crowd, but the squishy feeling of the dolls made ten-year-old me a big fan. My favorite item was my summer waterslide playset — I probably spent more time with that thing then at the actual pool in June.
Minecraft creative mode sucked my blue iPod touch battery at every single sleepover I attended. My friends and I would compete to see which of us could create the best rainbow mansion or tree house, and we all loved the bonding-over-the-screen lifestyle.
“Well it started on the phone and me and my friends would always play. We would always get mad at each other and stuff and like burn down each others houses. Someone would end up leaving crying but those were always the fun days.”
Freshman Cade Austin